Ryn's writing commissions!

nocturneatmidnight on Ao3

- Will write for all fandoms already on my Ao3!
- May also write for unlisted fandoms, but please ensure that I'm at least some level of familiar with the franchise before requesting.

- Portfolio: my entire Ao3, linked above and below. For quick samples, though, click here!

- Message me for any inquiries!


Will write

- Romance
- Gen/platonic
- AUs
- Incest
- Violence, gore
- Explicit sexual content*

* very tentatively, feel free to ask. mutuals only! and at a slightly higher price I'm sorry

Won't write

- OCs/reader inserts

Regardless of fic type, please only commission if you are aged 18 and up. No exceptions.


$30 per 1000 words
NSFW: $40 per 1000 words

- I will not charge extra if I exceed the word limit we’ve agreed on.
- Minimum requested word count: 1000 words.
- Maximum requested word count: 8000 words (might go higher for special cases if required)
All payment to be made upfront and in USD, via Wise/Paypal. (Wise preferred!)


We’ll discuss the details of the fic, and assuming I choose to accept the request, I’ll provide a rough fic outline to check whether it’s going in the right direction. Upon getting your approval, I’ll continue after payment has been made. No refunds will be made after this point.After I’ve finished writing the fic, it'll be posted on my Ao3. If you’d like to remain anonymous, let me know and I’ll omit your name/handle.


If you’d like to commission me or ask for more info, drop me a message!

Sample 1

For a guy who had to be at least a few years younger than Nero and Faust themselves, Chloe sure had the guts and insurmountable gusto to make up for it. There was a sigh from across the table, and somehow, it felt like this wasn’t the first time Faust had been asked for something like this. “Didn’t I just model something for you?”“That was last month,” Chloe pouted, like a whole month was far too long to go Faust-less and model-less. “Please, please? I’ll make you something. That old scarf of yours could use a makeover, or just be retired entirely, I could whip up something that’s way better-”“That scarf is three months old.”“And things go out of style quickly!” There wasn’t a hint of malice or condescension in the redhead’s tone- rather, he seemed genuinely exhilarated to just be discussing all this, and if Nero wasn’t careful, he’d probably get caught up in it all just by watching him. “I thought of asking Rustica for this job, but his hair is too…” Chloe waved a quick hand, mind clearly moving faster than his mouth could speak. “Brown. Light. Just not right. It has to be you, Faust, c’mon.”- this is where it starts

Sample 2

Most of the illusions Yohei knew of were their own individual entities, separate and flourishing around their users, but Shiki's- Shiki's illusion looked like it was trying to consume him entirely, clinging to his clothes and melting gruesomely into his skin, claws twisting and circling like a predator marking its prey. (A long, taloned nail dragged itself over the line of the boy's clothed shoulder, slow and bringing with it the sound of something sharp and screeching over cloth.) Clouds of darkness filled the entire room, crawling over the floors and furniture and walls, and Yohei felt his body flicker straight into fight or flight mode, acid dripping steadily down his spine as he suppressed a cold shiver. He knew, based on logic and pure fact, that an illusion would do no harm, and yet, and yet-This illusion, this monster, this thing- it felt dangerous. Malevolent. It felt like something that should never have existed, something that sucked all the light from day and made the strongest of men its plaything.(And the extra freaky thing about all this was, the second the illusion manifested, everyone in the room froze- everyone, except for Shiki.)- the phantom at your door

Sample 3

He didn't get the chance to have a word with Bam until far later into the evening, when people were milling about in search of dinner and the injured. Golden eyes lit up as they caught sight of Khun approaching, a hand immediately raising to wave him over- only for the hand to drop and Bam's gaze to turn a little sheepish, probably when he saw the expression on Khun's face.That reaction was apt. Stalking towards Bam with an aura of latent fury, Khun would be offended if he didn’t inspire sheepishness, or at the very least, fear. “Do not restrict me,” he hissed, getting right in Bam’s face and jabbing a finger against his chest, teeth gritted so hard he swore he felt his jaw click. “We all have jobs to do out there, and if you can’t handle watching me do mine then don't fucking watch at all.”It took all of two seconds for Bam’s sheepishness to turn into stubborn unrepentance. “You were going to die.”“I would’ve found another way out.”The look he was given said, quite plainly, we both know that’s a lie. “I couldn’t just do nothing,” Bam said, his words still calm but also like he was making a supreme effort to be patient, explaining a difficult concept to a child who didn’t understand, and that only pissed Khun off even more. “If sacrificing some data means saving the ones I love, then-”“Don’t you dare try to use that against me,” Khun spat. He knew that Bam didn’t mean it like that, he knew, but- “I don’t need this, I didn’t ask for your love-”“Well, you’re getting it anyway,” Bam said, like it was that easy, like it was that fucking easy. “Khun. I’m sorry about the data, but I’m not sorry for what I did.”- asphyxiation

Sample 4

“I’m picking stuff up for Ryuu and the brat,” Gaku sighed, squinting at the dessert display case filled with cutesy confectioneries adorned with fruit and icing. Hot and cold items were neatly separated, and the idol decisively kept his gaze on the section containing tarts and cakes rather than fresh buns and loaves. “Coffee for everyone, and… maybe some sugary thing for Tenn. He’s been trying to hide it, but he needs a bite or he’ll collapse in a few hours.” That last comment came in almost a mutter, like this was more of an inconvenience than anything, but the fact that Gaku was still here and eyeballing the rows of food said more than he ever would aloud. Then, glancing back at Tsumugi as she hastily tried to hide her smile- “You aren’t getting anything for yourself?”“This is strictly a work errand.”She was given a pair of raised eyebrows, and the sense that Gaku was going to say something else- only to be cut off by one of the baristas calling out her name for drinks pick-up. Quickly bowing her head in apology, she took a step away, swiftly losing a good portion of warmth that’d been radiating from Gaku moments before. “Excuse me, I must-”“Wait.” A hand gripped her wrist just as quickly, then let go a second later, as if remembering who they were, and where they were currently standing. “Sorry. Just- wait for me? Don’t leave yet,” Gaku said, looking from her to the cashier to the drinks and back again. “I’ll only be a few minutes, lattes don’t take long to prepare. Meet you again right after.”- at your leisure